I know many of you like to monitor who is online at your site and the most irritating part is bunch of guests look alike surfing different locations of your site. You are curious who they are, where they are from, and you start hopping between your site and some online IP locator service copy-pasting IP strings. Happened with you? Well then, read ahead.
This is the basic tutorial, so in this we are gonna get Country, City and Region for each IP we encounter in Who’s online page, inline, on page. Yes, with minimal template edits we can do that.
Jump in the modifications:
We are gonna edit 3 templates:
, ‘online_row_ip’ & ‘online_row_ip_lookup’.
1. Open template: ‘online_row_ip’, change this code:
<span class="ip">{$user['ip']}</span>
2. Open template: ‘online_row_ip_lookup’, keep existing code, add at the beginning:
<a href="#" class="iplocate">[Locate]</a>
3. Open template: ‘online’, locate variable
{$footer}, add after that:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$('.iplocate').on('click', function (e) {
var ref = $(this);
ajaxCall($.trim(ref.prev('.ip').text()), function (result) {
ref.before('[' + result + ']').remove();
function ajaxCall(ipdata, callback) {
url: "http://ip-api.com/json/" + ipdata + "?fields=country,regionName,city",
dataType: "json",
cache: false,
success: function (msg) {
var result = (typeof msg == 'object') ? (msg.country + ', ' + msg.regionName + ', ' + msg.city) : "Unable to locate";
Save all templates. Result:
- If your server restricting CROB, you can get Cross-Origin Read Blocking warning in console, you can ignore the warning and the code will still work.
- If you are using SSL (https://) this code will not work because in this tutorial we are using FREE ‘ip-api’ and secured XMLHttpRequest is a PAID service. You can purchase pro to make SSL access to API or ………… or there are few workarounds, but that’s another tutorial
So, that’s all for now. Happy coding …
Part 2: For those who uses SSL (https://).
Clearly you can't request to that API using SSL, so you need a proxy.
And the proxy is ...... our own
Yes, we are gonna core edit (don't be sad, read on...)
First, replace the above code in template with:
<a href="#" class="iplocate" style="display: none;">[Locate]</a>
Now, you need to use this js code in place of previous:
* IP Locator for MyBB 1.8
* @author effone <[email protected]>
* @group MyBB Group (Unofficial)
* @version 1.0.0
* @copyright 2018 MyBB Group / Demonate
* Website: https://github.com/mybbgroup / https://demonate.club
$(function () {
var data = {
"error": "Unable to locate.",
"ajax": parseInt(use_xmlhttprequest),
"secure": location.protocol == "https:" ? true : false,
"fields": "country,regionName,city"
if (!data.secure || (data.secure && data.ajax)) {
$('.iplocate').on('click', function (e) {
var target = $(this);
var ip = $.trim(target.prev('.ip').text());
var bank = data.secure ? rootpath + "/xmlhttp.php?action=get_iplocation&ip=" + ip + "&my_post_key=" + my_post_key + "&fields=" + data.fields : "http://ip-api.com/json/" + ip + "?fields=" + data.fields;
ajaxCall(bank, function (result) {
if (typeof result.errors === 'undefined') {
var message = (typeof result == 'object') ? (result.country + ', ' + result.regionName + ', ' + result.city) : data.error;
target.before('[' + message + ']').remove();
} else {
$.each(result.errors, function (i, message) {
$.jGrowl("Error" + ' ' + message, {
theme: 'jgrowl_error'
function ajaxCall(bank, callback) {
url: bank,
dataType: "json",
cache: true,
success: function (result) {
Next, open
, go to about line number 1110 (where the action blocks end, before xmlhttp_error() function) and add the following:
else if($mybb->input['action'] == 'get_iplocation')
if (!verify_post_check($mybb->get_input('my_post_key'), true)) {
$response = file_get_contents("http://ip-api.com/json/" . $mybb->get_input('ip') . "?fields=" . $mybb->get_input('fields'));
if(!json_last_error() == 0)
header("Content-type: application/json; charset={$charset}");
and finally, open
and add these two at the very end:
$l['ipapi_invalid_response'] = 'Invalid response received from IP-API.';
$l['permission_error'] = 'You are not allowed to perform this action.';
Save all. Done.
- For those who don't wanna core edit, Part 3 is coming up.
- A plugin with advanced features (like map, custom cache, advanced validations etc) is also under development. Keep an eye on Demonate & repo list of MyBB Group (unofficial):
More advanced & detailed tutorials @ Demonate.